Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
EnCompassed Kids serves families and their children from birth to 5th grade. East Gate provides a dynamic Children's Church service and Nursery. We utilize a program that provides solid Bible teaching in a fun, engaging manner! We also have a Wednesday night service that engages children through Bible based games and Biblical stories.
Encompassed Kids Program
Nursery is provided for both Sunday School (9:30-10:20am) and Church (10:30-12:00pm) for children aged birth to 3 years old. Our nurseries are equipped with NazSafe volunteers, check in systems and everything needed for the care of your little one. We are dedicated to incorporating basic Biblical foundations to even our youngest of members by reminding them that God loves them! Our classrooms are located in our EnCompassed Kids Building - Just look for the sign! We have smiling faces waiting to greet you!
Sunday School is provided for children ages birth through 5th grade. Classes are held in the EnCompassed Kids Building from 9:30-10:20am.
Children's Church is located in the EnCompassed Kids Building from 10:30-12pm for children ages Birth through 5th grade.
The kids will be placed in classes based on their age/grade.
We utilize the Grow program which allows us to follow a large group/small group model. The children get the Bible story through large group, then spend time in small group breaking the story down, applying it to their lives, and building fellowship with their peers!
Children's Church is located in the EnCompassed Kids Building from 10:30-12pm for children ages Birth through 5th grade.
The kids will be placed in classes based on their age/grade.
We utilize the Grow program which allows us to follow a large group/small group model. The children get the Bible story through large group, then spend time in small group breaking the story down, applying it to their lives, and building fellowship with their peers!